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you're at the home of where you enjoy realtime access to services close to you that are available right now.
您已進入「第一」 – 在這裡您可以體驗我們為您帶來的實時科技, 隨時隨地使用在您咫尺之間的服務。
about the app
diyi finds you the exact service you want, within 10 minutes of your location, in just one click. No fuss, no frustration and no delay.
then just hit "request" and go;
「第一」為您搜羅在您10分鐘步程內可達, 所有您想即時使用的服務。
只需一按, 告別尋找的煩惱, 費時的等候。
about us
by operating realtime diyi has now removed many consumer and provider frustrations; we've bridged the gap between anyone looking for a service and anyone providing services, we're making peoples lives easier and more enjoyable
... and we're getting people work
我們的實時科技為眾多服務供應商戶及使用者免去了很多煩惱。我們將所有尋找服務的人, 連繫上提供服務的個體或商戶。從此生活變得更簡單愜意。
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